What you’ll need
- MIIKOKO Colour Kit
- Colour & Developer
- Bowl
- Brush
- Gloves
- Clothing protection cape
- Clips
- Kitchen scales
- Timer (on your phone)
See full video on how to do a Toner.
Set up
- Wear a button-up shirt
- Put on gloves and cape
Prep your
- Start with dry, combed hair.
- Using kitchen scales, mix 40g of colour with 30g develop and 30g water (double these quantities for long thick hair). If you want a slightly lighter result, mix 50g of colour with 75g of the developer (if you have long thick hair, double these quantities).
Take a section
- Take a 4cm section on one side of the head.
Paint on Mid-Lengths
and Ends
- Place your hand under the section and paint onto your mid lengths and ends of the hair using your hand as a support ‘backing’ for the brush.
Milk the Mid-Lengths
and Ends
- With both hands milk the sections to ensure even spread of colour.
Work down the side of the head
- Repeat the steps above working down one side of the head.
Repeat on the other side
- Repeat action on other side. Take 4cm sections, paint on the colour and milk the hair from mid-lengths to ends.
Repeat on back section
- Repeat on back section. Take 4cm sections, paint on the colour and milk the hair from mid-lengths to ends
- Rinse by shampooing the hair twice and conditioning from roots to ends.
You’re done!
Hair colour hints
Want to know our top tips to get the best toner results? Read below <
1. Apply to the pre-lightened hair, or the hair you want to counteract brassiness.
2. Re-apply every 2-4 weeks to have constant fresh hair
Toners fade quicker than demi-permanent colours, because of their lower hydrogen peroxide quantity
3. Saturate the hair with colour
4. Leave colour on for up to 15 minutes
5. Try not to wash your hair 2-3 days after colouring